Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a genealogy project typically take?

The duration of a genealogy project varies depending on the complexity and scope of the research involved. I will always keep you regularly informed of my progress.

What sources do you use for research?

I use a wide range of sources, including census records, birth, marriage and death certificates, historical documents, newspapers, military records and more.

How far back can you go?

The research will depend upon the survival and availability of records. Some documents go back as early as the 1500s, but most go back to the early 1800s or late 1700s.

What Does it Cost?

I will always work to your requirements.

However, to give you an idea, a popular package I offer is a selected line of either your maternal or paternal family researched back through at least four generations. The results will be presented in a personalised faux leather 48-page inscribed presentation folder for £375 and will include descendent charts, parish records, census returns, wills, person reports and military records where applicable.

If the paper trail exists and I can take your ancestral line back beyond four generations, I also offer a 96-page inscribed faux leather folder for £495. This will also contain charts, parish records, census returns, wills, person reports and military records where applicable.

Before I start a presentation folder, there is a non-refundable £50 fee payable in order that I can carry out a preliminary search to see if there is enough information in the records to be able to do four generations.

In addition, I can research and order birth, marriage and death certificates (cost of certificates extra) or trawl through parish records. I will give you a free quote for this work.






How do I contact you?

You can contact me on this website or at my email address: I also have a Facebook Business page:

Have More Questions?

Feel free to reach out for any additional information or to discuss your genealogy project in detail.